Combating Gender Dysphoria Before Surgery
by Paxsies Underwear
Gender dysphoria is the feeling of distress that comes from a mismatch between a person’s sex assigned at birth and their gender identity. Many trans people experience this, and it manifests itself in many different ways, depending on the person.
Transitioning from Female to Male here in the UK
Where to Start Guides, Passing Tips and More..
Want to learn more on how the process works transitioning from female to male here in the uk. Check out our helpful guides.
Coming out as transgender
When you start your journey to transitioning from female to male, there will be a point when the decision has to be made to let people know.
How to change your name
Changing your name happens quite early on in your transition. Looking for more information on how you can change your name.
Chest binding before top surgery
Chest binding is using chest compression tops to give the chest a flatter appearance. Want to learn more about binding and how to bind safely.
Packer guide and helpful tips
When you start your journey to transitioning from female to male, there will be a point when the decision has to be made to let people know.
Standing to pee (STP)
Changing your name happens quite early on in your transition. Looking for more information on how you can change your name.
Chest reconstruction surgery
Chest binding is using chest compression tops to give the chest a flatter appearance. Want to learn more about binding and how to bind safely.