FtM Chest Binder Suppliers

Listed below are places that sell chest binders based here in the UK and abroad. If you find anywhere else that provides “the essentials” feel free to send us a message.

UK Outlets for chest binders

where to buy chest binders spectrum outfitters
Short Chest Binder

Made from high quality fabrics. To fit all body types.

where to buy chest binder xbody
Double Chest Binder

Xbody stock a range of binders.

Overseas Outlets

where to buy binders underworks
Underworks Binder

Underworks do a range of binders. All with different compression layers

where to buy chest binders gc2b
Half Chest Binder

GC2B do a range of tank style binders. the blue half binder uses a double panel made with a nylon spandex blend.

where to buy chest binders peecock
Mid length chest binder

Peecock binders for the modern FtM. They do a range of binders.

Other places to look

Big Brothers used binders is dedicated to helping out a fellow trans guy with getting a binder. They are based in the states.

A number of Facebook groups have also been known to donate their members old binders to those that need them, sometimes just for the price of the postage. Visit our FTM Transitioning Support for more information.