stand to pee

Stand to Pee (Stp) Guide for FTM Transition

Have you ever wanted to stand to pee, just like any other guy? An STP device makes this possible. Using an STP can help alleviate some of the dysphoria that comes with transitioning.

Using the cubical in a gent’s bathroom is fine even cis men don’t use a urinal all the time, but there can be occasions were using the cubical is impossible. We all know that gents’ bathrooms aren’t the cleanest and sometimes the cubical can be in a state of disrepair. This can be disheartening to those that don’t use an STP.

gents cubical

Luckily there are many different types of stand to pee devices available, these range from your very basic homemade device to silicone prosthetics. Getting to grips using an STP can take time and practice, it may take time to find the right STP that works.

Time to Practice

Learning to use an STP will take practice. Start out by practicing in the shower or standing in the bath. It may be frustrating to start with but keep practising as it will take some time to master. Once you are leak-free and feel confident enough move onto using the toilet. If you use a non-packing STP think about how you are going to store, wash and discreetly getting it into place.

Stand to Pee (stp) Suppliers

Check out a full list of places that you can buy Stand to Pee Devices from here in the UK and Abroad. If you have any recommendations let us know by leaving a comment below or use the contact us form.

Bathroom Tips

When you transition from female to male at some point you will need to start using the gent’s bathroom. For some it can be a little scary when it comes to using the gent’s bathroom for the first time, especially when you don’t know what to expect.

If you are pre-T or even in the early months of Testosterone and you feel you don’t pass enough to use the gents, don’t be afraid to still use the ladies or even use the disabled toilet.

Here’s a few tips that may help

1, Skip a urinal

If you feel confident enough using a Stand to pee device (STP) then using the urinals is for you. Cis males don’t like to urinate next to each other for fear of bumping elbows, if you can always leave one urinal between you and the next guy, they call it a buffer zone. Guys will even wait their turn rather than get that close to another dude!

2, No talking or eye contact

When using public toilets remember to keep your eyes forward and avoid looking at anyone while you are using the urinal, try and remember “Hold your peace while holding your piece” and avoid talking to anyone, guys just go in do their business, wash their hands and then straight back out again.

3, Don’t linger

Whether you choose to use the urinal or the stall whichever is more comfortable for you. Treat the gent’s toilet like a drive-thru, go in do your business wash your hands and out again. There is no waiting around as they may see this as being weird.

It will take time to get over the feeling of nervousness when using the gents, that will pass the more confident you get when you use them.